Bezprzewodowa Zewnętrzna Kamera Energia Słoneczna Rozmowa Dwukierunkowa PTZ Security Domofon Kamera Video, 1080P Full-color Kamera do Monitoringu Nocnego CCTV

Kod produktu: GW50.0005

  • 311.5
Ogólnie 4.8   492
The camera has a chunky positive feel and the solar panel also. Although at the furthest point from the Wi-fi hub the connection is very good. It was relatively simple to set up - which I did before installing to make it easier. One point to note on the solar panel fitting is that the ball on the bracket needs to be pushed into the matching point on the panel. The nut then tightens and needs the supplied spanner to finish and firm the connector - I see other reviews mentioning a weak bracket but I would guess that they haven’t attached it correctly.